At the airport in Maun, Botswana, ready to start the journey home. I am holding the scull of a water buffalo wrapped in a towel. I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to let me have it, so I am walking right up to security with it. Ford hasn’t said much.
I put the scull on the conveyor belt to go through security because it is too big to fit in a tray they provide for loose items. Through the scanner, it goes…through, then back, then through again. We hear, madame, what is this. I say it’s a treasure. I found it just outside one of our camps. They ask if the camp was in the National Park; nope, outside the Park, I say. I’m thinking…no problem. They just want to be sure I didn’t take it from the Park. Oh, they seem to want more info, and a couple more agents are gathering around. Ford is through security and looking back now.
I am now detained off to the side, and they have taken the scull off somewhere. Two agents are on the phone, and of course, I can’t understand a word they are saying. A third agent asked me for more information about where I got it and how it got so clean. If I found it, they said, how did it get so clean. I spent hours the night before cleaning it up to not transport any live matter with it. They were not impressed, it seems.
Ford is now on the other side of the security check with the last sight of me being detained with three agents. He has no idea what is going on. His thoughts wander to the fact that we will miss our flight. Is she going to an African jail? How would I go about getting her out? She must be so scared!
A gentleman stops to see if he can assist with translating. He tells me that they have contacted the police and we are waiting for them to come. Oh no, I’m going to miss my flight. I asked him to tell them I would just leave it here with them so I don’t miss my flight. He says well, they say I now have to wait for the police. Oh no, I might be starting to sweat now. I’m afraid I may miss the flight, I say. Turns out, however, that he is the pilot for our flight. He tells me that they can hold the flight. Whew. I asked him if he could let Ford know what was happening when he got to the terminal. He goes to let Ford know and returns. The look on his face tells me that Ford may be worried.
The pilot has a sidebar conversation with the agents, and they are glancing in my direction. The agents took down my document information and made some notes. I am told that the scull is their treasure, and I can not take it. I am meant to grab my things, and the pilot escorts me to the terminal. I see Ford, and boy, does he look relieved. We board the flight immediately and prepare for take off.
There is no water buffalo skull on my shelf….just the story of why the shelf is empty.
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