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Now, this is a topic to divide us. Or can we openly discuss what we see ourselves doing and reality? The reality is that crimes against cruisers exist, so there is some room for discussion. The other reality is that what we think our response is and what it is are two different outcomes. I […]

Sailing tips, Travel stories, Travel tips

January 13, 2024

Security, Security, Security

security, security, security
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There are hacks to packing on every blog out there. My hack is…don’t pack it. Let’s face it: you probably only go for a week or two. Can’t you live without it for that long? I should think so. I know you need to be IG-worthy, but chances are the people seeing the pics are […]

Travel tips

November 1, 2023

Skip the carousel chaos and ease straight into your holiday

skip the chaos
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This will not be the most effortless pet import you will do, but once it’s complete, you can’t imagine the beaches they can run on. I should also mention the amount of hiking that can be done, either with high or low-energy pups.   The chart pictured above can be found on for print. This […]

Dog tips, Sailing tips, Travel tips

October 27, 2023

Sailing to French Polynesia with a fur baby (dog) onboard

getting your pet into french polynesia